We will never believe again, kick drum beating in my chest again. No, we will never believe again, preach electric to a microphone stand.
We will never believe again, kick drum beating in my chest again. No, we will never believe again, preach electric to a microphone stand.
We will never believe again, kick drum beating in my chest again. No, we will never believe again, preach electric to a microphone stand.

blog updates :3

Content warning: As this is a diary of sorts, this page may include content disussing the following: suicidal/self-destructive/violent ideation, delusional/paranoid thoughts, discussion of abuse and past trauma, and more that I'll add as i mention/think of them. I'm schizophrenic so keep that in mind lol. < - schizophrenia also includes disorganized thinking and shit so if something doesnt make sense that's not my problem.

Actually I'm going to try and come up with a system for trigger tagging things that may appear so for right now, the guide is as follows:

  • * means mentions of suicide/self-harm/ideation
  • & means mentions of personal trauma or past abuse
  • % means mentions of delusional/paranoid thinking
  • # means mentions of generally triggering topics (pedophilia, sexual assault, abuse, violence, death, etc)
  • a single symbol (i.e. % or &) means that the topic is only mentioned briefly or vaguely, with no detailed description
  • a symbol being doubled (i.e. %% or &&) means that the topic of discussion is graphic/detailed/anything more than just a brief, vague mention

If I missed anything that should be tagged, let me know! Talking about blood is not included in any of the above. It's kind of a given considering (vague gesture to all of me and all of this site) everything. "healthy"/general substance use (as opposed to substance abuse/use with intent of self-harm) will also not be tagged.

Stuff was starting to get a bit too long and wordy so I put everything in drop down boxes.

"Song Of The Time" (starting 2/3/25) is supposed to be like song of the day/week/whatever but ambiguous because i do not update this shit regularly. not necessarily related to the blog update but usually just whatever i've been listening to the most.

(date is YYYY-MM-DD format, 12-hr clock EST)

2025-03-22 08:25PM

apparently i had to work on the day of the library meeting but it's fine because i didn't know and therefore slept through half of my shift and by the time i woke up i had half of my coworkers convinced i was dead because i had very uncharacteristically no call no show'ed on a day that had a super bad flash freeze/snowstorm and i have a record of getting stuck in a ditch on the way to work. they were pretty cool about it (i.e. thankful that i wasn't dead) so i didn't end up having to come in at all and ended up just coming in a different day that they happened to need coverage instead. which is fantastic bc that was today and i probably spent 2/3 of the day on my phone AND im getting overtime pay so yay. library meeting went fantastic, apparently it was only one woman who was protesting the book and she was like "im not homophobic i'm bi i just don't know how to explain it* to my kids" (*=it being a tiny drawing of a man in a fairly conservative leather outfit that isn't even directly mentioned by any of the characters) which was followed by 50+ people unanimously saying fantastic things such as "sounds like you probably shouldn't have had kids then", "i didn't even know what bdsm was until you raised a fuss about all this", "you think that's hard? try explaining to your child that they can't play outside because they might be shot by cops", and other wonderful points. not a single person spoke in support of her. we even had two priests call her on her bullshit. she left halfway through. over a hundred people in total attended. it was gorgeous. my piercer was there. might get a totally different tattoo than previously mentioned. apparently almost hired a cool gay person but our trainer was ableist (not new) so they quit so i and maybe another coworker are going to talk to our manager to get her to knock her shit off because we're finally fed up with her shit. hey computer how to platonically date your friends so that they dont feel like a romantic relationship is their only source of significant and meaningful love. computer please.

song of the time: "From Now On We Are Enemies" - Fall Out Boy

2025-03-16 10:52PM

i can never leave this stupid place it's like a curse. worst day ever yesterday crying in the hall criminally understaffed in pain tired nightmare. today was slow and pleasant and everybody was nice and this very friendly sweet funny tgirl asked if we were hiring because she's already certified and wants to be a phleb again. girl please we need more queers please join us i will defend you with my life. decided to finally go through the works of getting my fob tattoo but realized that means i have to pick a fucking font for the words which will be like 90% of the decision. sword classes going great, did sword and buckler which i kinda hated then went to longsword which i love. gotta find some fun ways to decorate my trainer sword. work stress has been a nightmare and my schedule is chaotically all over the place so im socially very distant so to the friends and moots who read this, know that i'm not ignoring you for mean reasons it's just infinitely easier to reblog bird pics and rpf than it is to construct a single sentence of social interaction. i will be back i love you. even this has taken like 3 hours to write lol (with plenty of distraction to be fair). trying to find physical media of albums i like off ebay is an experience. i do think id fuck someone silly in exchange for that sexy sexy signed tttyg cd i keep seeing. been self studying philosophy as a form of microdosing college courses again. kinda fun tbh. there's a meeting at my local library this week to discuss censorship of a pride book in the children/YA section and im probably going to go but it's on a work night which is wah. oh well.

song of the time: Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows) - Fall Out Boy

2025-03-04 12:04AM

i have been playing such an insane and likely unhealthy amount of the sims 4 lately. like 18 hours in the last 3 or 4 days. got my practice wooden sword from sword class! and partner is coming with me to next sword class. yay! had to have the trans bathroom talk at work with my apparently transphobic christian coworker who i am totally stealth to. we have another coworker who is transfem and i guess she (christian) saw her using the stall in the womens locker room and didnt know why she was allowed in there and asked me (stealth but otherwise queer and supportive cus of "my two best friends are nonbinary" which true but uh. yeah). and i was like "i understand where your concern is but 1) there's a higher rate of priests preying on kids than trans people, 2) there's stalls for a reason". it does seem that i at least settled her nerves a little bit, both being reassuring and cracking a few jokes w our other neutral/slight supportive coworkers who were present. but also insane fucking conversation to suddenly have at 1pm on a sunday. she did get me a hasbrown that morning so net zero gain i guess! had to draw from a patient who was either having a stroke or a high risk stroke and his blood was going slow as fuck so i was stuck there for like 5 minutes and we were both surrounded by nurses and docs and the like and this poor older man is being so sweet but he was trying to tell me a story and he was very cognitively out of it so it ended up sounding like "there was this man and he had a bed, and this guy had a bed, you know? but he was a bad man, and he had the bed, and the bed was there, and that was bad, and he was a bad guy with the bed" for like five minutes straight and i'm trying to be gentle and calming and encouraging because he's clearly nervous and distressed. but i finally get up and turn around to leave and i see every single stroke professional just like staring at him/me/each other and writing things down very quickly. he did end up being fine :3

song of the time: Hand Of God - Fall Out Boy

2025-02-20 07:57PM

life is beautiful life is amazing there's a species of nightjar native to my area and i hear that guy singing in my backyard all the time!! i didn't know he was a nighjar cus you always hear them but never see them. eastern whippoorwill btw. weapons demo went great, they actually do weekly classes and conveniently happen to be on the only evening i'm guarenteed not to work the next day so obviously i signed myself up immediately and had my first class the other day. do you know how fucking cool it is to say "oh yeah i had SWORDFIGHTING CLASS the other day"??? also this was on my bucket list/new years resolutions so yay! also trying to broaden my musical horizons a bit and listen to some more rap bc i enjoy it when its on but never actually sought it out myself but the kendrick stuff finally got my interest piqued and honestly he's so fucking good. my friend who is big into rap is curating me a "baby's first rap playlist" as they have with other genres of music i now enjoy, so i'm just kinda rockin thru kendrick's discography in the meantime. and i know everybody has already known this but. i saw someone on tumblr pulling the "i dont listen to rap bc i have auditory processing issues and it all sounds like gibberish" and man no you're just fuckin racist. absolutely convinced those people piss themselves during the fast part of the ABCs. idk maybe its just the fact that i spent my most developmentally important years trying to figure out what the fuck patrick stump was saying but it is actually not hard at all to understand what's being said. thought i was going to crash my car hearing meet the grahams for the first time BRO. (positive).

song of the time: meet the grahams - Kendrick Lamar

2025-02-11 06:19PM

THEY GAVE ME MY BLOG BACK YAY!!!! after like a week and a half of waiting staff emailed me basically saying "sorry for the wait. do you still give a shit about this? if so, reply" and i did and it was back in hours. which. what the fuck. no explanation of course. been into The Earth Pushed Back by Have Mercy lately. there's a historical weapons demo at the library so im taking my partner as a date and also bringing my laptop so i can download shit at a speed other than 2 bytes per hour. they switched my schedule today without telling me so i woke up at 2am and showed up for work on a day i wasnt even scheduled for. i ended up working a couple hours anyway so i didnt feel like my time was wasted. kinda pissed bc that means i have to work friday too and i don't get my 3 days off. but i did get to cuddle my partner when i got home cus he was still snoozin :3

song of the time: Let's Talk About Your Hair - Have Mercy

2025-02-03 09:20PM

read a couple of classic lit short stories (the veldt - ray bradbury & harrison bergeron - kurt vonnegut) today. want to be someone that reads more rather than doomscrolling but also haven't worked out my attention span enough for big books. having very conflicting feelings on substances, but we're at one of those places where there's been no more recent develoopments since the last time i expressed everything to my therapist. tried to open the sims 4 for the first time in a while. how fucking dare i. EA is using my command prompt to update. because it's so fucked up and broken. man i just wanna play god and torment little people inside my gadget. also fucking tell me why the download is being measured in BYTES??? not GB or MB or anything. just fucking B. what. been more active on flight rising and playing the heck out of forum games. trying to do more art but i've been in a trap of these little funky spiral warmup doodles and not actually creating anything else.

song of the time: Hand Of God - Fall Out Boy

2025-01-31 07:23PM

they nuked my 5-6ish year old tumblr account yesterday with no reason. while i'm waiting on staff to respond to my email (and hopefully put my shit back), here's a friendly reminder to back up your tumblr blog periodically (thank god i somehow remembered to do mine 3 hours prior to incident). i've also been working on a backup/replacement blog using one of the first tumblr accounts i ever made, but finding everyone i followed/mutuals with is going to be a huge pain. i think i'm gonna put my email on the social page in case anyone wants to reach me in the meantime. partner and i watched monty python and the holy grail for our 5 year anniversary and then stayed up late exploring old cartoons on the internet archive. got some more plants and more fish, room feels full of life. 8G on ears.

2025-01-25 09:30PM

chronic pain SUX what do you MEAN my joints feel like theyre going to explode if i sit in the same position for more than 20 minutes regardless of what the position actually is??? unfair. might try to watch the incredibles with my partner bc i haven't seen it before actually and its been a little on the mind bc of the comparison with recent political events. new software dropped at work today (my day off) but it didnt release on time and had something fuck up and a coworker was texting me that people were making bets (no cash) on how long it would take to actually drop. our fucking manager won. still thinking about art stuff.

2025-01-21 08:37PM

this has been the most exhausting year of my life and we're still in january. impulsively drove 3 hours to a fancy pet store for a betta fish from a non-chain store. his name is seraph and he's beautiful. he's also my partner and I's first official pet we've gotten together. he does a little dancy dance for food. deep renovating the other tank sometime this weekend. work has been insane, switching over to a new software that has removed basically every feature that made our job do-able so starting next week everything is going to be hell on earth. i was planning to hold out long enough to get my license but fuck man. also need to renew my other license soon which is going to suck because i haven't done any of the CEs. mental health has been shit. can't even bother to think about politics except for "better hurry up and get married and get my dick now before i can't". 10G on ear stretching. thinking a lot about art of my own and art history in general lately.

2025-01-07 07:53PM

more of a personal musing than a blog update but i've been thinking a little on the whole "passing" thing from the perspective of someone who's transmasculine and has been passing pretty consistently for a couple of years now. when i first came out, i fell into the void of severe dysphoria and into the places that those feelings tend to take you. i feel pretty solid in saying that if there's a guide to tmasc passing made prior to like 2021, i've probably seen it. pinterest, tumblr, plain old internet searches, all of that. i had a natural hair color shaved on the sides and somewhat longer on the top -- but not too long!-- and i dressed like a farm and fleet catalogue and tried not to smile too much or move my hands when i spoke. as someone who's also schizospec, there was nothing in the world that could have made the feeling of constantly being watched and judged worse. and even then, passing was a 50/50 chance. T definitely helped, but even 2.5years on, I still have a pretty round face, no facial hair, etc. I'm constantly estimated around 5 years younger than I actually am. But I did also let go of that "dress like an army recruiter" shit and start dressing how I liked. Which is a good general red+black vampire punk with emo undertones style. Lots of leather, spikes, piercings, chains, etc. And I started getting gendered correctly even more. Because apparently if you are friendly, confident, and have so much metal on your person that it adds about 10+lbs to the scale at the doctor's office, people tend not to run the risk of misgendering you! I've actually had some almost hilarious interactions where people desperately do not want to misgender me but also can't quite confidently peg which way I'm going, so they omit any kind of gender acknowledgement at all. Silly aside, all that's just to say that being happy with who you are (and thus confident) will go a lot farther than all those "here's how to trade your soul and ability to smile for a single He/Him at the grocery store"

2025-01-02 07:13PM

good fuck the holiday season hit like a fucking plane. ska concert was insane, got recognized by one of the ladies running the punk rock saves lives stand and got a setlist for one of my favorite bands. the week of work was a special hell that i dont even want to get into but i have like a week off now. finally got into sleep token because my friend played a few songs on the ride home from the show and they're actually about as good as everyone's been saying. granite is my current loop. thinking about raising/caring for isopods as a pet. if anyone has experience in the field hit me up with tips and tricks. partner has said that he's planning to propose in the forseeable near future. up to 12G on the ear stretching, went in super smooth and painless, excited to keep going. new years resolutions are so funny to me because i try to range mine from easy to hard but keep them as quantitative/trackable rather than ambiguous so it looks like "number one: read 3 books. number two: get a penis". anyway im all out of things time to rot in bed until my baby returns from work :3

2024-12-19 09:39PM

woa died for a little bit there lol. took my own mother 7 and a half months to realize my tits have vanished. keep in mind she has literally hugged me after surgery. she came over and was like "so does that stuff [testosterone] make your boobs shrink?" and i was like oh haha yea it just moves the fat from there to other parts of the body. moving on! also finally got a couple of hours of actual ER training and it was fun. i have a few days off rn and then i work for like a week (including christmas) with only a ska concert in the middle for rest. going to see mustard plug again next thursday!! it's going to be awesome :3 also also finally going to start streching my earlobes tomorrow with my friend whos been doing it for ages. going to look so cool and fun. been using a guide i found and bookmarked ages ago to finally backup my tumblr blog. it has been a struggle with my shitty internet and my halfass coding knowledge and my 31k+ tumblr posts but we're getting there. provided that the vast majority of things actually downloaded as they were supposed to, we're currently rocking at nearly 15GB. and this blog is only 5 years old. i am mentally well :3

2024-12-06 06:53PM

healthcare CEO assassination i cant wait to be the most annoying shit at work about this :3 "the artist in the ambulance" by thrice becomes a much less fun song when it's playing on your car's speakers as you hit ice and start going sideways down a hill (im okay btw). i really need to revamp my music page it's been ages. been painting a lot. as in, painting objects to be a single flat new color than previously. not any actual fun paintings. but oh well. started reading/watching dandadan. i like it so far, premise is very interesting and i *love* the animation and art style of the anime. not usually a christmas person in any sense but i am in the spirit for having the financial capability to get all of my loved ones a little something nice. just made a little jewelry box for my cousin's birthday today and planning to make more for the other ladies of my family.

2024-12-01 08:04PM

when the fuck did december happen wtf. anyway just went to a weed shop for the first time and ew wtf why do they look like that. maybe its just my area but my partner said that all of the ones he went to looked the same. the weird nearly empty room except for the racks on the wall with the items and prices and then you point it out and they grab it from behind the counter. idk man i couldn't do it i like to touch the bag and overthink things. i like to stand in the alcohol aisle at the store and touch the bottles to get a vibe check. man substance use is fucking difficult. work schedule is finally starting to look more normal thank god. im actually getting some days off proportionate to the days i work! also been replaying "the artist in the ambulance" by thrice. yea :3

2024-11-21 08:14PM

i dont know how many people actually read this but if you have good cheap/free vpn recommendations drop them in the chat or my tumblr DMs. im trialing proton vpn for the next month cus there's a deal but i want a good long term option. moving forward- been going insane over taking back sunday recently. i mean ive casually liked them for a while but something about them is hitting so hard in my brain lately. also working on phasing (paid) spotify out by 2025 but i know my rewind or recap or whatever the fuck it's called is going to go crazy this year. i've listened to 'reaper' by have mercy enough times to warrent a psych check or placement on an fbi watchlist. boyfriend let me trim his hair and it looks very nice :3 my mental health is so scattered and chaotic lately that i don't even know what to do with it. sometimes i'm fine and happy and sometimes im on the edge in a way i haven't been since 15.

2024-11-17 07:15PM - #

so my friend's grandma (who was pretty much also my grandma since we've known each other since 1st grade and my grandparents passed when i was very young) just passed the other night. went from "will be fine" to "two months" to "two hours" in less than a week. i stayed after work for the last few days to be with her and my friend and the family. everything feels so unrelenting lately. been trying to distract myself with hands-on things like origami and art or with my other interests such as.. *cough cough* media preservation *cough wink*. my plant is starting to flower which is nice because i'm usually bad at keeping things alive but we have a nice little mini garden going so far and everything's still alive. i cant even remember anything else that's been going on in the last week enough to talk about it.

2024-11-08 10:34AM - #

not even going to say it about the election. apparently my brain decided ramping up my sex drive was a good coping mechanism, so we're riding that train out. got my piercings, by some miracle they had a couple bats left over from their halloween special so they're bats until they heal. my piecer and her husband (the shop owners) might be moving soon, mostly because of the election, so that's fun. but if they stay she said she'd take an apprentice. might see how quickly we can speedrun the bottom surgery process even though i'm barely healed from top surgery and don't have a surgeon picked out yet. if anyone has suggestions on phalloplasty surgeons with erectile implants in the midwest/great lakes area that would be much appreciated. willing to go across state lines if i can afford it. just so fucking scared for the future man. my friend's friend who works at a doctor's office said between her office and two others in the area they had 10 suicides after election day. what the fuck.

2024-11-01 06:51PM

i think maybe one of the funniest facts about myself is that i will do a lot of things to come off as hot/sexy/whatever, but in a way that caters exclusively to my own taste, and also ends up just vastly improving my life and/or personality. like, i think a guy* who knows their way around vehicle maintenance is sexy, so i've been teaching myself how to do anything i need to my truck. i changed my own oil last week and replaced my headlights this evening. my music taste tends to change around my current type. i've picked up so many hobbies and skills with this it's nuts. i'm literally the sexiest person i can think of and my standards are permanently raised by this. this also applies to things i think would be funny (which is why i'm currently getting my second medical license) and things i think would look good on a resume (the first medical license).

2024-10-30 03:31PM

sometimes the only thing keeping you going is thinking about birds. been sketching some birds lately and getting fairly good - if i amass a large enough collection i might consider making an art page. also going to schedule with my piercer soon for double upper lobes and also to be like "heyyy... are yall hiring for apprentices? i already have considerable knowledge on the bloodborne pathogens standards and plenty of experience with needles :3...." i think it would be so cool to be a piercer as well as like a side job thing, but i would never want to work for any other business except them. had a small medical procedure yesterday and still sleepy from the anesthesia and sore from the procedure itself. the nurse noticed that i work there and was like "seeing that and seeing your face, i think you've actually drawn my blood before in outpatient. so i guess this is full circle!" *puts IV in my arm*. which was kind of hilarious and she did it very well so kudos. kitty cat is also doing a lot better with health so we're hoping she can pass peacefully at home instead.

2024-10-15 06:34PM

doing better, dad made a cool casket for bearded dragon. no necropsy - spoke to vet and she said it was kidney failure and that there wasn't really anything we could have done so that's helped our hearts a little. weekend plans were super fun, movie was cool. work was easy enough the last few days, hit a new personal record of 60 draws in one day. adderall has been helping me with my actual hobbies rather than doom scrolling all day but the downside is that if i dont take it i am incapable of being alive. i will legit sleep all day until i wake up enough to take it. so damn. but otherwise it has been insanely good. going crazy with marriage thoughts lately. sending ring links to my partner.

2024-10-10 02:48PM - #

found out my 18+ year old cat is going to need to be put down very soon for her sake and then the next morning as if that wasn't bad enough my bearded dragon went from doing fine to dead in 12 hours or less. called off of work because i was not going to be processing all of that at work. still doing everything else this weekend to try and get my mind off of things so hopefully that helps. going to get a necropsy done to try and find cause of death but we have to decide between the one thats local which might not be able to give the most conclusive answers or the one that's more advanced but a 4hr drive away. life fucking sucks. scream was a pretty good movie. friday the 13th will be this saturday.

2024-10-06 08:22AM

i have been up since 2am yesterday with only two hours of sleep between then and now. probably not sleeping anytime soon either. watching the new TADC episode with my partner today, and then later it is the first of our weekly movie nights for halloween, we decided on classic slashers so we're doing scream, hallowen, nightmare on elm street, and friday the 13th. order has not been decided other than halloween is last (closest to halloween). also might go to a haunted house situation thing with my coworker friend and my partner next weekend. driving will be the frightening part. it used to be local at a temp location but they got a permanent location in a town that's a bit of a hike away and i've never been there. might see if i can con my coworker into driving and then just bring me and partner to her place and home from there. driving scary :(. also pissed off because for some reason it feels like every other person in this hospital is completely incapable of any sane or competent method of patient care this week. nurse fucked up a cortisol stimulation test on a patient so she essentially just fuckin gave the poor old woman a shot of adrenaline at 8am for no reason. another nurse literally just walked away from me mid-sentence while i was trying to tell her the patient was convulsing in pain too much for me to safely draw her blood. what the fuck. if you can help it take good fuckin care of your health and your loved ones.

2024-10-02 01:28PM

IT'S HALLOWEEN MONTH! my partner and i are going to try and do a spooky movie every week for the month to celebrate. any suggestions are appreciated! we're thinking of doing classic horror/slasher movies we haven't seen yet, so friday the 13th, nightmare on elm street, scream, etc. i also want to get into newer horror sometime in the future; i really enjoyed "get out" and would like to explore the rest of jordan peele's stuff. in terms of all horror, i liked 'the ring', thought the first saw movie wasn't really scary (no hate! just didnt really make me afraid or tense at all), and would preferably like to see a lot of marginalized povs on horror (especially POC voices and queer voices). any recommendations are appreciated! my DMs on tumblr are the quickest and easiest way to reach me. :3

2024-09-29 11:32PM

pride was fun zero exes were spotted. outfit was complimented by many passing queers, drag show was really fun, got wasted after, overall great time. many plants in the house that are alive and thriving and they make me so so happy. trying to make my own infused gin in a water bottle stuffed inside a sock in the corner. update in a week or so. been thinking a lot about blood lately probably because i worked for like a week straight but blood is just so interesting. sometimes when im drawing blood and their blood pressure is good you can feel it jolt the tube a little when that first bit jet streams straight to the bottom. also venous blood actually comes in a very diverse shade range and its super interesting to see the brightest of reds contrasted with the blackest "dude, are you even alive?" blood. bf did my second T shot and it went perfectly fine i am hilariously afraid of needles still for some ironic reason.

2024-09-26 04:40PM

TATTOO LOOKS COOL! and my baby got his and it looks cool too! getting to meet all my gays in a couple days! i even met another gay at a different charity thing so we're gonna meet up and be friends and have gay fun! I get to see my gorgeoug bear boyfriend in a mesh bi color crop top and i swear to god im going to pass out. kinda upset that im the designated driver so i wont be able to drink a little but oh well. my coworker is gonna see me outside of scrubs for the first time so i have to put together the ultimate functional crust punk fag outfit for first impressions. also praying that i don't see my ex !!! he haunts pride events like some kind of two-faced queer demon. it was a little bit funny the one year that my friend from college didn't realize we already knew eachother and tried to introduce us and we just had the most intense mutual hatred "we've met before. thanks" moment. anyway its going to be so fun :3

2024-09-18 07:20PM

tattoo went great artist said she loved me and that she liked my design a lot and it turned out so so cool. its right in my collarbone/shoulder/chest area so it was kinda sensitive but im tough so its fine. next tattoo lined up for next month with another artist for a charity thing so thats gonna be so cool. also i got the local pride celebration off so we're gonna have a big fun gay night with my sexy bear boyfriend. finally got a disk drive so i can burn my own CDs and i'm also getting into doing my own designs on them in sharpie which is fun and cool. got many houseplants. also switched back to T shots and had like a 10 minute panic/whining fit before bf finally gave me the shot and it didnt even hurt and i was like damn. overdramatic.

2024-09-10 10:09PM

ska punk show was amazing a very nice security guard chased me down through the crowd to get me a beach ball (one of the ones that got thrown into the crowd during a song after seeing me miserably try and fail to grab one off the floor before someone else stole it). a woman almost bumped into me at a merch booth and then stopped and looked at me and went "Hey I know you! From ska shows!" like im some kind of ska punk deity that's present at every midwest ska concert. i think i might have visibly bluescreened during that interaction i ended up awkwardly going "oh yeah i tend to be here!". dude i havent been to a ska show in 9 fucking months. it also set a new record for 'farthest away from home someone has said they recognized me', replacing the previous 3hr drive with an incrdible 4.5hr drive. any farther and i am leaving the state or country. both tattooes have deposits down, lets go boys.

2024-09-06 11:32PM

tumblr is functionally my only social media which is great in the sense that it isn't tiktok and for the most part it's fairly easy to curate your feed to not see a constant stream of dumb shit but i do have to sometimes step back and take a break because i'll just be chillin in a fandom tag or the DIY tags or whatever and i'll see your basic young (probably teen so i don't wanna judge too hard) queer with a baby punk bio setup like "anarchist/punk/acab, bigots fuck off!!" or whatever and then immediately chase all that with a 4 page DNI of what kinds of queers they think are too weird or when censorship is actually fine because the thing we're censoring was icky anyway, and it just. head in my hands. i do try to breathe because i remember being that kid and sometimes when you're locked in your parents house in the middle of buttfuck nowhere with all of the rage of a kid who wants to do something but can't, it almost feels like getting into internet discourse is productive. but as someone who has gotten the fuck out of that house and met living breathing queers and punks without a screen in the middle. it do not fucking matter. nobody cares whether it's "valid" to be a queer transsexual pansyfag or something with a hundred xenogenders and pronouns to stack, just pick up a damn brick and start throwing. anyway im also going to most likely get another tattoo a couple weeks after the previously mentioned one. yay!

2024-09-04 04:32PM

tattoo in two weeks! also got the shrine thing and the lady got blocked in her drive by some construction folks so she was like 10 minutes late and she kept apologizing and gave me 5 bucks off (no room for argurment. she counted and saw that i left in the extra 5 and stuffed it back into my hands when they were full with the shrine thing) my original bamboo vase was actually too big for it so i got some smaller bamboo to put in it and it looks so cool and awesome. it even has a drawer on it that i can keep lighters and incense and stuff in since it's now the centerpiece of my candle/scent/burning area. did some bleach painting on my patch pants and they look so cool. planning on doing a bigger piece on those pants but i gotta prepare and im too lazy for that this week. concert on saturday!!

2024-08-27 09:25PM

my beautiful boy got his ears pierced today which is his first body mod of any kind and he looks so so good and pretty with them. we also set up a tattoo consult date for next week which will be fun so i can finally get my tattoo expansion/addition. also got this cool handmade unique japanese buddhist shrine thing from someone on fb marketplace that i'm picking up tomorrow morning. i'm going to put my bamboo plants on it and maybe some other fitting things that i pick up along time. been trying to get my hands on an actual authentic not-mass-marketed lucky cat / maneki neko but i have a very specific picture in my head and its hard enough to find one that isn't being sold on amazon or whatever and i really don't know which sources to trust. ugh. how hard would it be to just go to japan i wonder.

2024-08-24 04:58PM

finally got another show lined up! me n the metalhead friend are gonna go see suicide machines in a couple weeks! going to punk shows always gets me in a mood because i want to be in a band sooo bad but i dont really have the motor function for any instruments because of my damn hands. id really really like to learn guitar or something but i just dont really know if its possible for me. going to trim my hair today so that it's ready to be dyed on monday. listened to the audiobook for the art of war bu sun tzu for my last few commutes to and from work for whatever reason. some of the advice given was very interesting/questionable.

2024-08-21 05:44PM

YAY my subhumans shirt got here very fast!!!! for whatever reason the package was just absolutely covered in "fragile" stickers which is hilarious considering the shirt was the only thing in there. been playing lots of animal crossing lately and having some fun with that. going to get a friend over and do my hair on monday which means i should probably decide what i want to do with my hair before then. i want to go back to a mullet/fauxhawk kind of look but i hate waiting for my hair to get long enough to do that. ah well in the future someday maybe. chronic pain has been awful! but we rock on. recently organized and optimized all of my music files and sorted through most of my downloads on my computer and working on downloading all of the music i dont have physical copies of because i'm planning to ditch all paid streaming services for the new year and spotify is my big one.

2024-08-13 02:10PM

went on a cute lil date w my partner yesterday. went tubing down the river then did mini golf then went to the video game store. was very nice and sweet. got bit the fuck out of by mosquitos, which i am allergic to. yay. had an early as balls shift this morning but only 4 hours so i got to come home and get breakfast from baby and then sleep more. my chronic pain is baffling my doctor because all of our leading theories keep going out the window. every single round of testing comes back more normal than anything in my life, she thought it may be psychosomatic but im doing pretty fine in life honestly overall. i've switched every med that i'm on since the pain has started so its not a med side effect (except one which we're looking into but it does not have any documented side effects of chronic pain so). things are going awesome yaaaay [sarcasm].

2024-08-08 07:06PM - #(#ish)

i hate MRTs i hate MRTs i have back-to-back MRTs multiple times a day. anyway irl i have a name that is pretty common for a wide variety of ethinicities and nationalities of which i am somehow not a part of any. but it does get people talking because near everybody knows somebody with my name. this delightful 90 something year old woman was telling me about how she had a classmate with my name when she was in kindergarten. and then she continues to tell me that he was born in poland but his sister in the same class was born in fucking auschwitz and that they had moved to the USA after watching their father get shot in front of them and their mother disappear to never be seen again. and christ i do genuinely love being able to hear things and know the stories of people i interact with and have a human connection with folks from such a different generation and all that but jesus fucking christ that is a lot to process at fucking 7am.

2024-07-26 06:19PM

i think maybe one of the funniest facts about me is that popular and well-loved dirtbag boyband Bears in Trees is a fall out boy moot of mine on tumblr. as in, i had been following them on instagram and tiktok and when i stopped using most social media and moved over to tumblr and went to follow them, i found out they were already following me. when i was a blog that almost exclusively reblogged pictures of pete wentz. which does make me feel a little bit better about the fact that when i actually got to see them live and talk to iain at the merch booth i ended up just nervously autistically rambling about the recent release of SMFS. 10/10 one of my top fav moots and go see them live or listen to their stuff rn. (site) (bandcamp)

2024-07-23 01:18PM - #

worked 4 12-hour days in a row this week that was insane. friday was awful, someone died in front of me on saturday, sunday was chill but then USA politics happened and i had to be reminded that while my coworkers may be cool and some even gay, i am still skewed a fair bit farther left than most people are expecting. "hey devil what is the first thing you'd do if you were made president?" (end the governmental system completely) "uhh affordable housing for all probably". been listening to folie recenly. i love her so bad. got a fancy smart lightbulb for my garfield lamp so he can be colorful and fun. he will be a nice nighttime reading lamp. trying to focus in on my german studies a bit more but i have no idea where to even start looking outside of duolingo. i would love some worksheets or a workbook or something. i want to understand pronouns bc i have no fucking clue when to use which ones and how they work and duolingo is shit for grammar rules. if anyone reading this has tips that would be super appreciated.

2024-07-15 10:18PM

been playing a bit of animal crossing (nh) lately. restarted my world and got some of my old shit back from my moving friend (we are busy adults). got nerfed by the scorpion like 4 times tonight. got vol 2-4 of chainsaw man so i can continue reading that. i like the little guy. he's cute. spent a stupid amount of money on a 40+yo garfield lamp from someone on fb marketplace. but i love him and hes in ridiculously good condition. had a board game night with my friends. i love my friends. work is work, nothing new or exciting there. got new shoes; so begins the autistic hell cycle of reacting to a change. theyre really comfy but theyre not the ones im used to so my feet feel weird. planning on starting an animal journal. just checking off different animals ive seen in a day. maybe writing a little bit if they were interesting. life has been mild, and i am not planning on adding spice to the pot anytime soon.

2024-07-09 10:36AM

one of the funniest parts of where i work is that it's in a fairly liberal area near a lot of conservative towns so it's like, well-meaning but super uninformed liberalism. and i am not quite 100% passing but still read as mostly male/masculine, except the combination of being like 80% masculine plus having bright hair and lots of piercings is that a lot of people do not want to make a guess at whats going on with my gender. but lots of folks dont really know how to use gender neutral language so i get to hear nurses and patients and whoever just stumble through trying to avoid making any gendered reference to me and it's kind of hilarious most of the time. one nurse today looked at my nametag (irl name is uncommon enough that most people dont read a gender from it immediately) and then just referred to me with my name any time a pronoun could have been used. some people call me "the lab" as like, some kind of hivemind entity of phlebs. i dont usually like being they/them'd but sometimes watching cis people struggle is funny.

2024-07-06 11:45PM

how dare they make me do my job at work. phlebotomy talk but today was so stupid hard for no reasons. i had a rough time on like. 15 fucking draws in a row. and then the only draws i was getting after that was the stupid impossible level shit. one dude would literally only bleed if i held the needle at an angle that i could throw off if i breathed wrong. i couldnt even see the syringe from how i had to hold it so i had to like. vibe check the speed of 4mls through a pediatric needle in my head. a 60 year old woman asked me if i watched the new IWTV and then fully started fandom gushing about lestat while i am sweating bullets trying to get her blood to flow. like i promise i usually would be interested unfortunately your blood pressure is garbage and your veins are tiny. now i get time off to hang out with friends and then go do work again in a few days. its not super bad, i do like my job tbh and people say that im super gentle and good at what i do. but man.

2024-07-01 12:55PM - #

watched the ring (movie) last night. as someone who is kind of a wimp for horror, i really enjoyed it. anyone reading this is free to send recs; i can't do jumpscares or anything with animal death, strongly prefer no sexual violence themes, but im totally fine with gore (big fan of nbc hannibal) and thrillers/suspense. found a 'disturbing movies' tierlist online and that brought up the topic of 'a serbian film' between me and my partner. apparently he had watched it with a friend not knowing what it was and been so traumatized by it that it had caused a fuck-ton of issues and repressed the memory so well that we didn't know why till now. i read the plot synopsis on wikipedia and couldn't sleep that night even with all the anti-insomnia drugs i take. so overall 0/10 do not fucking recommend. if you don't know what it is and don't want to scar yourself by searching it, it's a fucked up story of this ex porn star guy being tricked and drugged to do this fucked up pedophilic/necrophilic/incestual snuff film and damn near everyone dies or kills themself in the end.

2024-06-28 05:54PM

chicago was cool. there were guys dressed as some of the characters from borderlands handing out rainbow fans as promo for the new movie thing and it took me a minute to notice i was being handed something because my eyes were elsewhere holy shit (they were just wearing the gas mask things and pants). also the "no kink at pride think of the children!!!" catholic freaks would die if they ever saw chicago pride. there were so many pup masks it was nuts (and a booth selling them that i definitley would have checked out if i wasn't with normie friends). work is cool i love being good at my job. i like when people tell me that they didn't feel it or that i got it in way less tries than anyone else. old lady called me lord dracula which isn't really weird but definitely strangely formal. had to leave early on wednesday as my chronic pain shot up to a 9 and kept me from physically being able to work. went to urgent care and got several drugs for pain and a few referrals to different things. guess we'll see how that works.

2024-06-20 02:01PM

at work im fairly stealth/cis-passing, and a while ago me and a coworker were talking of trans things and she mentioned that she had a child my age who was talking about going on HRT, and my coworker had said that she was worried about it and had told her child something along the lines of "be careful, that stuff won't magically make you look like a man, you have a very small feminine figure" which was the perfect chance for me to be like "well i used to be 60lbs lighter with an hourglass figure to match so it'll get them pretty close actually" and she was like woa wait what? and so then we got talking and i was able to talk her out of some of the classic fearmongering of how medical transition and HRT actually works cus she did seem like she genuinely wanted the best for her kid and was just scared and she hugged me at the end of the day so. dear child of my coworker i hope that HRT goes well for you!

2024-06-17 07:52PM

i am so so tired i want to be asleep. got my meds upped so i can sleep better. seeing a new psych soon but i gotta reschedule it cus work sucks. going on a big trip to the fall out boy city (chicago) and i dont even need to drive yippee! getting 3 new piercings on the 19th right after therapy which will be fun i love my piercer shes like a mom to me. taking note of the birds and other animals i see around me. lots of different birds to see. finally got an A/C for our room and its so so nice. i can wear my sweatpants and actual clothes in the room and not die of hyperthermia. been doing a lot of pokes at work and getting good at it, they're going to trial run me by myself tomorrow. lots of training on medical emergencies so far. lots of complaining but this is the best job i've ever had i love it here.

2024-06-11 06:52PM

started my 12hr hospital shifts recently. theyre not super bad but i have hella time blindness so 2hrs into the day and 10hrs into the day feel the same to me. going to a little concert rave type thing this weekend so that will be fun. went to a punk rock swap meet thing and was buying some CDs and vinyls and stuff and the guy checking my stuff out points to one of the vinyls and goes "hey thats my band!" and im like BRO HOLY SHIT. he recognized me from my bandcamp order too lol. saw an american woodcock family except i didnt know what it was at first so for 3 days i was thinking "that is NOT what a fucking duck looks like". also saw a fat opossum. nearly hit a bear on the way to the swap meet thing. got two new fall out boy CDs also (IOH and FUTCT). chronic pain sucks but life is otherwise good.

2024-06-02 08:49PM

woo boy work has been killing me. workin 4 10s per week and starting 12s after this week with only one day break between my last round of 10s. been stabbing people (phlebotomy) and so far my main complaint is that i am "too gentle" and a little slow with setup. got doctor appointments tomorrow and need to get bloodwork so i get to decide which coworkers will stab me. went to a punk rock swap meet today and met a member of a band i really like, plus got some cool patches and CDs and records and shit. top surgery recovery is goin great, im pretty much back to full capacity with a few limits on stretching and lifting and shit. no more post-op binder. seen a lot of cool local native birds lately. happy pride month!

2024-05-10 06:31PM

got a new post-op binder which is a lot more comfortable than the ace wrap thank god. new psychiatrist fucking sucked, tried to re-diagnose me in the first session without even having spoken to my previous office and going based off of our single session and the notes that he skimmed in front of me that I brought. said i haad BPD instead of schizophrenia, my fried with BPD drove me to the appointment and laughed so hard when I told her he said that because its not like me at all. like, my schizo is my longest standing diagnosis and one of the only ones i fully agree with (i've got a smattering of niche social disorders on the list because a previous shitty psych would rather diagnose me with 3 of those than autism). pain in the ass tho because that means im probably going to have to find someone else. because me having issues with a psych but seeing them anyway has historically given me problems.

2024-05-09 04:35PM

nearly 2 weeks post op. getting used to being flat is super cool, still feels like im binding 24/7 due to the compression wrap. cut my hair this morning, it was already kind of long before surgery but it grows fast and not being able to shower regularly plus it being super long was starting to drive me insane. new psychiatrist tomorrow, hopefully new meds as well. still playing insane amounts of stardew valley, this time modded. up to vol 12 of dungeon meshi and i think a new episode comes out tonight? not sure, will have to check with bf on that one. it is super humid and warm and hot where i live and i do not have the strength to move the window fan or even open or close the window so im in sweaty hell.

2024-05-04 11:09AM

1 week post-op. healing great, just got my drains out yesterday and saw my chest for the first time. weird to think that this is real and happening but im very happy. few more weeks of recovery and just laying around getting better. still in the ace wrap while things heal so it just feels like binding 24/7. cant wait for summer without a binder tho. no sunlight exposure for my scars for 12 months so shirtless summer will have to be next year. my surgeon and her team was super cool and awesome thru everything. been playing insane amounts of stardew valley lately. also read the first 8 volumes of dungeon meshi and spottedly watching the anime (the first two and the most recent episode). unsurprisingly, izutsumi brat baby my beloved. also very coincidentally my bf is built exactly like senshi and cooking is his passion. very funny very cool (very hot).

2024-04-23 12:14PM

4 more days till top surgery. going to a museum the day before, maybe getting some ihop right next to the hotel. my last day of work is thursday and then i start my new job at the end of may when i'm considered 'recovered' enough to work. back to an old classic favorite video game, assassin's creed origins. killed like 10 people by climbing to the tallest point and sniping them from above which works pretty well if you have enough arrows (lesson learned). got lots of crafts to do, books to read, and shows/movies to watch while i recover. i have kept 3 houseplants alive somehow. accomplishment. still in therapy. as usual. bf birthday soon and i got his gifts all set, hopefully able to wrap them before surgery.

2024-04-13 02:36PM

happy 'neil banging out the tunes' day and homestuck day to all those who celebrate. top surgery in two weeks (cue 'Saturday' by FOB). we're literally gonna crucify and burn my old binder. going to try and donate my other binders and transtape and stuff to someone who needs it cus that shit expensive. been playing subnautica survival mode (freedom mode, so like easy mode) and i am so so scared of everything. all of the monsters hurt me and i hate it. every time i don't like something i go "this is nothing like minecraft" and i think it's going to make my bf go nuts. speaking of bf, this man sleeps with a pillow on top of his head like thats fucking normal? there are 4 blankets, 6 pillows, 3 pillow pets, and a handful of other stuffed animals in our bed, and I sleep with one blanket and one to two pillows. he sleeps with the rest either piled on top of him or stuffed between him and the wall. what the fuck. freak. (I love him so much).

2024-04-03 04:15PM

top surgery in 24 days. pre-op went good. kind of hilarious to hear the PA call me a "healthy young man" but it means we're all clear. boyfriend moved in and settled, great for my chronic pain and fatigue (and insane sex drive tbh). FOB concert was awesome, got cool merch + close up shots of pete wentz's ass. work is hell and my meds are wack but i finally have an intake with a psychiatrist in may so we just gotta make it until then. started playing subnautica creative mode supervised by my subnautica fan bf who is eternally frustrated by how bad i am at every video game i play. very fun experience. 0 car crashes since last time. somehow.

2024-03-10 10:14PM

whew am I bad at updating this shit. top surgery soon. finally told my dad and he was abnormally chill. boyfriend moving in ASAP. cleaned room in prep so he has room for his stuff. FOB concert in two weeks. pre-op for top surgery this tuesday. did not get the cancer job. hired on the spot for new job as a vampire (phlebotomy tech) tho. shes sayin shit like "i see a lot of myself in you" and "i love what you stand for" and im thinkin "oh i have GOT this one". gonna be working 4am to 4pm tho. this starts right after my surgery. got my drivers license and then proceeded to get into two accidents so now im terrified of driving lol.

2024-02-23 10:09PM

interview went good, they knew my old boss and asked her about me and she said nice things :3 but they said i'd hear back in 2-3 weeks and im still waiting and checking my email obsessively. failed first road test in 6 minutes flat. next attempt is tomorrow. dad said he would think about bf moving it but it would most likely be yes. waiting on final decision. also, top surgery is in 2 months now! primary doc is going to mess around with further testing and potentially pain clinic referrals for my chronic pain. it is getting bad :)

2024-02-04 11:44AM

life updates: still neglecting the site for flight rising. my depression room is a nightmare. getting some sleep with the new meds. boss gave me her transfer authorization and i got an interview with the cancer clinic in the span of like, two days. interview is at 7am which means i have to be up at 5am which. sucks. also have my road test for my driver's license next week. going to ask my dad soon if my bf can move in. hope that goes well. going to try and clean my room today. wish me luck with everything.

2024-01-28 11:36AM

finally got the book i was waiting for from the library after months of waiting so i was able to knock back 4 volumes of the manga im reading this weekend. been neglecting the site and playing a lot of flight rising recently. gonna finally send this email to my boss to let her know I'm looking elsewhere for work and that I can't stand my job, so wish me the best of luck with that! new sleep meds I'm on have had the best success of any other med which is awesome; might start finally getting some sleep! other than that, no big updates. have a few ideas for this site but no motivation or energy to execute them yet.

2024-01-21 04:20PM - *

wow i sure did fucking die for a bit huh. took like x8 my dose of ativan after having to miss an appointment cus my ride forgot about me and almost got in trouble at work for falling asleep in front of a patient (i mean i was kind of dying but we'll ignore that part i guess). had to also miss work because my other ride cancelled on me and i just feel like no one actually sees me as anything essential/something easily forgotten which is fun. therapy on tuesday yippee! gonna watch totoro with my bf when he comes over. hopefully tomorrow night. i can't stand work anymore i need to quit. i need to get my license. just fuckin something needs to change or i'll end it. everything is falling apart around me and im just not sure how much i can hold onto anymore. i dont want to be here.

2024-01-09 11:36PM - *

wowie its been rough lol. i started a new anti-depressant a month ago and i follow up with my doctor on monday and I get to say "yeah im fantasizing about ending it all like three times a day. which is the same amount as when i started the med so its not a matter of concern lol." top surgery consult in a week from today so thats something! also been chatting and making friends on here which makes me super paranoid but its also kinda nice in the immediate time. work is driving me nuts and making me crazy and for some reason i decided to pick up more hours so we'll see how long it takes to have a mental breakdown!! apparently my radiating misery at work has gotten so bad that a coworker friend offered to write a letter to our boss FOR ME saying that i needed to switch departments due to being miserable. which is kind of hilarious in a fucked up way. got that "eat shit and die" aura that's making the work normies scared. get me back to slinging drugs in a hospital (pharmacy).

2024-01-03 08:05PM - #

happy new year i got to kiss my boyfriend for new years which was so sexy of us. also taught him how to start his own neocities so maybe i'll link his somewhere on mine when he's comfortable enough with it. got some fun keychains and jewelry and socks i ordered online so yippee!!! shrimp socks!!!! also started playing the witcher 3 (not sure if i needed the first two games for story reasons but im honestly playing for the eye candy). depression has been meh. may have driven past a car on the side of the road immediately after they hit and killed a man and somehow forgot to mention that in therapy literally hours after finding out. mom just noticed that i got my eyebrow piercing redone (3 months ago. hasn't noticed the other two piercings i've gotten). dad didnt notice at all and he's the parent i live with. saw a cool band live and got to meet one of the members after the show which was awesome.

2023-12-27 07:51PM

i fucking hate css i fucking hate css i fucking hate css why did it take me two DAYS to change the cursor. anyway i got a new piercing today (my other rook) and my piercer said i was one of her favorites (and i believe her because a couple weeks after my first piercing with her i sat like six rows in front of her at a concert and she came up to me during intermission and said she recognized me by the back of my head and wanted to say hi). and i got a ton of classic 90s-2000s rock CDs from the local thrift store. and farming simulator for xbox 360 lol. and i got to hug and kiss my pretty boyfriend AND im gonna kiss him for new years. final concert of the year this weekend just gotta make it through one more day!!

2023-12-25 05:40AM

christmas has been weird this year. my mom got me some scrubs and an emergency kit for my car and some pokemon cards. got into a fight with my dad while driving but kinda made up about it. boyfriend wont be over for the holidays because he just moved to the other side of town which means he wont be able to see me as often until one of us learns to drive on our own. insomnia has been so awful, i'm really not ready to go back to work on tuesday. getting a new piercing wednesday tho, and going to a concert on friday. hopefully get to have my boyfriend for a new years kiss. he wants me to come to his work's christmas party, but i'm socially awkward and not used to the work environment he works in (small town pub and grill vs big town main medical clinic) so i'm not sure how that will fare. my new neighbors have their back porch light on all night for some ungodly reason and its shining right in my window and it's the only light outside except for the moon and stars so now i hate them forever.

2023-12-23 12:39AM

list of things i got from work for christmas cus my work is super awesome: four pairs of socks- one fluffy soft and three character calf socks (looney tunes and fruity pebbles). some seasonal hand soap. $50 cash. so many damn hersheys kisses. a large hersheys kiss. a two litre of rootbeer. a scratch off ticket (won two bucks). a game called bananagrams. a good bougie candle (festive apples scent, a favorite). a cup for beverages with a lid and straw so i can use it at work (all beverages must be closed lid cus i work with computers).

2023-12-12 08:50PM

what is up with ska as a genre? like. every ska band i see is always like "yeah we're a ska band that plays ska music, here's 10 songs about ska, each with 'ska' in the title of the song" and also always simultaniously fighting some kind of war against ska as well. i went to a ska punk concert a few weeks ago where one band played a song called "ska sucks" and the next band was selling a flag that says "god is dead - ska is not". its the only genre ive found that's so obsessed with its genre label. i fuckin love ska punk music tho, that shit goes stupid hard. anyway i had a coworker encourage me to talk to my boss about switching departments sooner because i "radiate an air of misery" that has caused several coworkers to reach out to her (as shes the only one im comfortable talking to) to make sure i was ok. so i gotta draft up an email eventually about that. finals this week! cant wait to fail all of my classes last minute! also new med starting today :)

2023-12-09 07:48PM

i am currently being stared down by a lizard who thinks himself to be very intimidating. don't worry my darling jeep wrangler, you will have your feast tonight. at the same time as usual. which is not now. so quit staring at me. 3 exams left from this point forward and then a nice break from classes. my room is a mess but i managed to take my trash out (though not replace the trash bag) and put away my laundry. tomorrow i think i will hang out with my friends, and then the day after my sweet boyfriend will come to hang out with me and we will do gay shenanigans together. my therapy is getting fucked around again which sucks for my schedule and im trying not to let it make me spiral. it's so terribly easy to make me spiral these days. doctor said she suspects my chronic pain could be sciatica, but my coworker at the clinic says it sounds a lot like multiple sclerosis. hopefully i will be getting in to get some nerve testing done soon enough.

2023-12-06 09:44AM

guess who definitely just bombed one final and is about to immediately bomb another exam! i hate this class so bad and this teacher that doesn't teach worth a shit. if i wanted to teach myself the damn course material i would have taken an online class. and even then I've managed to get a 4.0 and a 3.5 in my other two onlines without touching the textbook except on exam days. just heard someone walk in from the first exam and say "well i know i passed, just not sure if it's a C or a D". thank god there's this class and then next wednesday and then it's over. i am DONE. i want more days off to cuddle my sweet boyfriend and play my lawyer game. now they're talking about how the US education system sucks and im thinking to myself "do not get involved theyre just complaining no one in the room wants your 10 hour rant on how the education system is stacked against the average student".

2023-11-29 09:03PM

im sooo tired i have been sleeping so much less than usual lately and I hate it. need to get my meds adjusted but my appointment is a week and a half out which isn't a long time but it is. trying to make this website look nice for my tumblr mutuals (if ur from tumblr and you see this haiii :3 anyway I started watching OFMD and im halfway through episode 3 and it seems cool so far! hard to watch with all the secondhand embarassment but i'm pushing through because it's also super funny and i hear good things about it! at some point I want to add a recommendations box to this site so people can recommend me music and shows and stuff. procrastinating my therapy homework too :P

2023-11-25 06:08AM

let me preface this by saying that I am not an early bird; i am an insomniac. it is 6am and i have yet to sleep more than an hour. talking to new friends on tumblr is :3 ! my friend irl invited me to a party and i almost wanted to go but socially sounded like a nightmare cus i wouldn't really know anyone there and if i did it would have been jocks from HS who were a few grades older than me (not ideal bc my abuser was in his grade and kinda popular so I have no idea what that class of people thinks of me and i'd rather not find out). played a little bit of slime rancher and stardew but it's hard for me to sit still comfortably for very long and very few "comfortable" positions work for gaming :(

2023-11-19 10:11PM

just got home from game night with friends and found family (absorbed into my best friend's family) and now best friend and bf are playing MTG on the floor. i have to study for a test that I lied for an extension on because I had the shittest day on the original day it was scheduled for. I know I can learn the material in the time I have but the teacher is awful (which is why i have to teach myself). Anatomy+Physiology could be so cool but I hate this douchebag. Listening to a Ludo CD I got at my local library book and media sale and I like how this guy's voice cracks. I had only heard "Love Me Dead" before but the whole album goes hard so far (only on track 5). I got my bf a big box of supernatural (tv show) stuff off of facebook marketplace and his smile was very beautiful when he got it. i also got us matching socks with dinosaurs on them. 2 human days left til the 5 day weekend!

2023-11-18 02:40AM

good morning it is 2am and i havent slept yet and i want a pet armadillo. today i took my cat to the vet and everyone said she was so good and well behaved despite the fact that she cried for the entire half hour car ride to and from the clinic. she got 3 shots and has to take some pills in a couple of days. also had work and was so sleepy that i was falling asleep sitting straight up. realized that my ideal patient demographic is 40-60s women (usually smokers) who are very spitfire and sassy. they call me baby and sweetie and honey and make me laugh and definitely would casually drop the fact that they killed their first two husbands into a casual check-out conversation. i'm also surprisingly popular among the senior population for being pretty punk-ish looking (lots of piercings, raggedy unnatural red fauxhawk, etc). hope i get to sleep soon. 5 day weekend next week!

I love the mayhem more than the love